The trusted choice of the construction trade professional, Roughneck is the UK brand leader in wrecking and demolition bars, including our world famous ‘Gorilla Bars’, the original, best known and best quality bars you can buy.
Our highly experienced product development team follow a meticulous process from prototype to production. An unrelenting focus on product innovation, fuelled by a comprehensive consumer-led research and development program.
We work closely alongside trade professionals to identify ways to improve performance through advances in material, technology and design.
Product quality is at the heart of everything we do. Our commitment to quality starts with the factory and extends throughout our supply chain. Roughneck products are manufactured in accordance with relevant British and European standards.We are committed to fair, ethical and sustainable working practices.
As a proud SEDEX member we ensure that our operations are carried out in a way that protects human rights and safeguards workers, promoting social change. We actively pursue sustainable and responsible practises that protect the environment. Continuous auditing and improvement processes guarantee our high standards are maintained without compromise.