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Ridgeline Clothing

Founded in 1994, Ridgeline of New Zealand has a world-beating reputation for producing functional, durable, professional workwear that really works, where you need it most — in the field. Offering hard-wearing, reliable, real-world performance in combination with our distinctive New Zealand style, Ridgeline gear offers both protection and rugged good looks — in equal measures.

Innovation & development

Ridgeline began life as a New Zealand owned and operated specialist outdoor clothing brand at the hands of Peter Maxwell. In mid-1993 Peter began working on the first Ridgeline designs and the product range was a successfully launched in the March/April 1994 issue of NZ Guns & Hunting magazine.

Prior to commencing Ridgeline, Peter had manufactured his own range of tough motorcycle and motocross clothing, which gave him a hands-on insight into what Kiwi outdoors people needed - clothing that was warm, light, comfortable and able to handle a lot of very rough treatment.

In the early years the Ridgeline brand achieved a high level of acceptance with New Zealand hunters, but Peter's time was always divided between his manufacturing and magazine editing tasks, which meant that Ridgeline did not always receive the attention it deserved. So when the Fuller Group indicated an interest in acquiring the Ridgeline brand, the deal was done.