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Cotesi was founded in 1967 and was the forerunner in Europe in the production of twine,nets and ropes made from synthetic and natural raw materials. Today Cotesi is the worlds greatest producer of baler twines.

History Of Cotesi

A subsidiary of one of Portugal´s strongest companies, Violas SGPS, and with over four decades of activity, the company has accumulated vast experience and tradition in the domestic and international markets. With a global presence, COTESI is today the premier world player in distribution and supply channels, with strong units in Europe (Portugal, United Kingdom, Denmark, Germany, Belgium and France) and North America (U.S.A and Canada).

A pioneer in its field, Cotesi´s proactive technical innovation and constant research and development define the company´s success. Cotesi´s “Quality Management System” is certified by APCER – Portuguese Association of Certification, including design, development and production of wires, ropes, nets and nautical cables, using synthetic and natural raw materials.