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Bonanza Calf Nutrition was established to offer farmers in the UK and Ireland a range of superior milk replacer ingredients for rearing their dairy heifer replacements and beef calves.

Bonanza Calf Nutrition was set up in 2008, all our milk replacer ingredients are dried using low heat and homogenisation technology. Not all skim milk powder is the same, for effective calf rearing, the skim milk powder in calf milk needs to coagulate in the calf ‘s stomach, only low heat skim coagulates properly. This is why we only use low heat skim milk powder in our formulations.

R&D – The Bonanza Range

  • 1st in once a day feeding – Shine Original
  • 1st to use 5 fat sources
  • 1st to focus on Amino Acid and protein digestibility (products that fulfil calf requirements) – NOT Crude Protein
  • 1st to use ewe’s milk in our lamb milk replacer Shine Ewe-reka (also 1st goat milk in goat milk replacer)
  • 1st Transition milk replacer – Transformula
  • 1st to introduce palm free sustainable calf milk replacer – Shine Twice a day
  • 1st to introduce heat stress reducing calf milk – Shine Heiferstart

Transformula is our transition milk replacer, for when farmers don’t have transition milk to feed to their calves for example; selective dry cow therapies the milk is going into the tank or diseases that can be transmitted from the cows milk to the calf. Transition milk is the first six milkings post colostrum, and has three quarters of the antibodies of colostrum, alongside non-nutritive factors that set up the calves gut for long term performance.

We offer a range of follow on milk replacers that suit every feeding and farming system.

Our team of calf advisors have a wealth of experience to provide on-farm support to customers to improve their calf rearing, while also assisting them to reduce labour and other costs and to utilise existing farm buildings.

We are on a journey of continual improvement and therefore work with a wide range of research bodies to help improve calf rearing for our customers.

Our Calf Chat forum and Novatec platform provide farmers and their staff with training and help when they need it.