As the days grow longer and the first green shoots emerge, spring marks one of the busiest times of the year for sheep farmers: lambing season. For smallholders and farmers alike, this is a time of hard work, careful management, and incredible rewards. It's also the time of year when farmers start to prepare their lambing kit and the essentials required for on farm.
When is lambing season in the UK
Lambing season typically begins between February and April, depending on the breed and location. For sheep farmers, this period demands 24-hour vigilance. Ewes are monitored closely for signs of labour, such as restlessness, pawing the ground, or separating from the flock.
Some farmers bring ewes indoors into lambing sheds to ensure safety and warmth, while others prefer lambing in fields with natural shelter. Regardless of the approach, providing a clean, dry environment is critical to protect vulnerable newborn lambs.
Lambing season is an intense period that requires round-the-clock attention. Farmers prepare weeks in advance with a lambing checklist to ensure they have everything they need. During the season, they spend much of their time monitoring pregnant ewes, assisting difficult births, and caring for newborn lambs. Every lamb counts, so farmers ensure lambs receive colostrum (the first milk) within a few hours of birth to boost immunity.
What does a lambing kit include?
A well-organised lambing kit can make the difference between a smooth season and one filled with unnecessary complications. Our top tried & tested solutions for caring for lambs include:
- Lambing essentials (ropes, gloves, lubricant)
- Colostrum supplements and feeding bottles
- Heat lamps or lamb coats for cold weather
- Ear tags and tag applicators
- Disinfectant for lambing pens and equipment
- High-energy ewe feed and mineral licks
- Bedding materials such as straw or sawdust
Spring is a time of new life and renewal, but it demands preparation, patience, and dedication. Farmers who balance care and management now set themselves up for success in the year ahead.
What is essential during lambing season?
- Monitoring ewes: Farmers check for ewes in labour and assist with difficult births (dystocia) when needed.
- Caring for lambs: Ensuring lambs are feeding properly from their mothers and getting enough colostrum in the first few hours of life is vital.
- Tagging and records: Farmers tag lambs for identification and update flock records.
- Grazing management: With the arrival of lambs, grass growth is essential. Farmers assess grazing areas, fertilise fields, and reseed if necessary.
Key farming challenges in spring:
- Sudden weather changes can threaten young lambs, so having extra bedding, heat lamps, or shelter on hand is essential.
- Nutrition is crucial for lactating ewes, who require high-energy feed to produce enough milk.