Keeping chickens is a rewarding and enjoyable hobby that can provide you with fresh eggs, natural pest control, and endless entertainment. Whether you're starting a small backyard flock or planning a larger venture, this guide will cover everything you need to know about how to care for chickens, what to feed them, and how to set up your flock successfully.
Chickens are not only productive but also make delightful pets. They’re low-maintenance compared to many other animals, and their ability to provide fresh eggs makes them a favourite for households keen on sustainability and self-sufficiency. Plus, rearing poultry is a great way to teach children about responsibility and nature.
On average, hens lay between 200 to 300 eggs annually, depending on the breed. Hybrid layers like the ISA Brown are particularly prolific, while heritage breeds may produce fewer eggs. Factors like the season, with egg production often slowing during winter or moulting periods, can also influence their laying patterns.
How to care for chickens
Before buying chickens, you’ll need to prepare a few essentials. First, a secure and comfortable chicken coop is crucial. Ensure the coop is predator-proof and provides enough space, with at least one square metre per bird inside the coop and more space in the run. Bedding such as straw or wood shavings is ideal for lining the coop. Sturdy feeders and water containers are important to keep food and water clean and accessible. You’ll also need grit and oyster shell for digestion and eggshell production, along with nest boxes, typically one per three to four hens.
Caring for chickens involves daily attention to their needs. Feeding chickens a balanced diet is essential and fresh, clean water should be provided daily. Regular cleaning of the coop is necessary to prevent disease and maintain hygiene, which includes removing droppings and replacing bedding weekly. Additionally, monitor their health regularly and watch for signs of illness such as lethargy, ruffled feathers, or loss of appetite, seeking advice from a poultry-savvy vet if needed.
Where to buy hens
When buying chickens, it’s essential to choose reputable breeders or suppliers who prioritise the birds’ welfare. Farm supply stores, local poultry farms, or online marketplaces with good reviews are excellent starting points. Always ensure the chickens you purchase appear healthy, alert, and active.
As a beginner, it’s advisable to start with three to six chickens, a manageable number to care for and observe. Hardy breeds such as Sussex, Rhode Island Red, or Orpington are well-suited to beginners and thrive in the British climate. Be patient, as chickens usually start laying at around 20 to 24 weeks old. To keep them entertained and healthy, ensure their run is spacious and enriched with perches, dust baths, and areas for foraging.
Feeding chickens
Feeding chickens properly is vital for their health and egg production. Layers’ pellets form the foundation of their diet, but this can be supplemented with scraps like vegetables, fruits, and rice, though you should avoid raw potatoes, onions, or chocolate. Grains such as corn and wheat provide additional nutrients, and protein-rich treats like mealworms can be offered occasionally.
Our layers pellets are formulated to meet the nutritional needs of laying poultry, ensuring optimal egg production and overall health. Specifically, this helps to enhance egg production, improve egg quality, and strengthen shell integrity. It also supports the longevity and productivity of laying hens, resulting in higher egg yields and quality by providing the essential nutrients needed for optimal performance.
Health checking poultry
Regular health checks are a crucial aspect of chicken care and help ensure the wellbeing of your flock. Healthy chickens are more productive, less likely to spread disease, and enjoy a better quality of life. A health check doesn’t take long and allows you to spot potential issues early, preventing them from escalating.
When performing a health check, start by observing your chickens’ behaviour. Healthy birds are alert, active, and exhibit normal behaviours such as scratching, foraging, and dust bathing. Check their feathers, which should appear smooth and shiny without bald patches or mites. Inspect their combs and wattles; these should be bright red and free from swelling or discolouration. Examine their eyes, which should be clear and free from discharge, and their nostrils, which shouldn’t show signs of blockages or mucus.
Lift each chicken to assess their weight and feel for any unusual lumps or injuries. Check the condition of their legs and feet for signs of swelling, cuts, or scaly leg mites. Don’t forget to inspect their droppings—healthy droppings are generally firm and well-formed.
If you notice any signs of illness, such as lethargy, a loss of appetite, abnormal droppings, or laboured breathing, it’s essential to consult a vet promptly. Remember to stay-up-to-date on how to spot viruses, such as bird flu (avian influenza), to esure you make early interventions to prevent the spread of disease.
Learning how to keep chickens is an enriching experience. With proper preparation and care, your flock will thrive, providing you with fresh eggs and endless joy. If you’re ready to start rearing poultry, there’s no better time to join the growing community of chicken keepers.